Takes me back a very long time ago to student summer days swimming in old gravel pits near Reading! Was with grandchildren in Wales a few weeks ago when they were swimming and kyaking in a disused reservoir in the uplands.

Presumably you are in touch with the Canal & River Trust. They have a fantastic maintenance set-up and make a point that the 2000 miles system provides corridors for wildlife between refugia of biodiversity. Canals take the wild into and through the towns, which I think is important.

Easier in Wales and Scotland I guess, to get grants for biodiversity but you could qualify in the England bit?😊

Huge issues of course in the background maintaing water quality as we spread agri-industry and housing further upstream.

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Hello Kit, thank you for the article on purchasing the lake and the surrounding area. Quick question: would it be possible to install solar panels, either floating on the lake or placed on the surrounding land and make them available for community ownership?

I am assuming the answer is no because of the wish to keep the area as natural as possible, but I thought I should just ask. The underlying idea would be to be one of the pioneers in linking the output of the solar farm to the individual minute by minute consumption of the local investors who bought shares in the venture, thus reducing their bills and genuinely decarbonising . (See UrbanChain.co.uk)

If this is of any interest, please do get in touch. Chris chrisgoodall2@gmail.com or 07767 386696

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